Tuesday, October 24, 2006

it's been a while

yes so it's been a while since I posted the last time... Why? Obviously not because my life's been so busy, 'cause all I did was move my bum from my bed to the couch. Which is an incredibly comfortable couch by the way. I've fallen asleep on it more than once. At one point I even woke up and saw a paper on the wall behind it saying "Ester's place". Housemates hehe.
It's a brown leather couch. it's officially for 3 persons, but usually we make it for 5 or more, when watching movies. nice and cosey on the couch under my bedsheet hehe.

It's a real student home over here. It's a mess. there's papers everwhere, shoes everywhere and believe me you don't want to go into the kitchens. One of them has a table, completely filled with dishes. My dishes to be exact *blushes*. I've been postponing it for about a week now and today I've run out of clean plates so at one point today (if I even wanna eat) I need to do the dishes. Which is a lot. Hehe. Ah well, life is like the dishes. One moment its messy and dirty and the other it's nice and shiney ;-)

Guess I'd better start on the dishes now... *sigh*