Wednesday, September 06, 2006

my start

So there you go, monday morning, my very first day at the Radboud University of Nijmegen. Shitting myself because I was so scared of what it'd bring for you. I had to start at 8.45am, so I grabbed the train of 8.01am, so that I'd be at uni around 8.30am. So well the train stops, I wanna get in and it's all about the art of "how do I squish myself into a train that kind of is overloaded. ah well I happen to be good at that art. So I come at the central Station of Nijmegen where I have to grab the bus. bus 10. Apparently I"m not the only one cos there's a row of about 100 people.. every bus gets OVERLOADED.. Finally when the 6th bus stops I can get myself squished in there. When I'm finally arrive at the university it's 10.15am. and my first class ended at 10.30am.... so what a marvellous start of the year lol

Thank god it's not a disaster if you miss out on one class!!

I'll keep y'all posted on my other missed classes ;-)


Anonymous said...

Good luck Est! I'm looking forward to reading all about your new experiences. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Ester!! I know you can ace uni :) It's not gonna be like high school, youre going to succeed and succeed you will too :) *hugs*

Alex said...

So how's Uni going? :)

Charlie said...

We need to know more about your new times Ester!!!

Ester said...

hehe sorry it's been quite a while, hehe. ok short update: I've quite uni as for today. long story really, but I'll start over next year. :-)
