Saturday, July 29, 2006


Imagine you're a sheep and you live in a group with 49 other sheep. The group is split up in 2 groups and you'd have to choose one group to stay with. But you feel as if you fit in neither of the groups... What would you do? would you go on alone? Maybe even create your own little group, with as members: you and you and you and you... Would you feel lonely?

And what would you do if you'd hear that tomorrow is your last day on earth? Or you mother will die tomorrow... what would you do?

Argh.. life.. it's complicated, and I havent even started about love!!!

well I'm not gonna start about it now either.. first I need some sleep and fresh air.. Guess I will create my own Sheepgroup after all... cos I guess you can better be lonely than hang out with sheep you dont like...



Charlie said...

Hey Est honey.

You can't post on my blog without me seeing this haha. Its great fun ain't it! Don't ever apologise for the things you love. Dido is the best and anyone who doesn't agree is either blind to honesty or just wants phoney stuff in their lives.
Keep it up Ester and I'll keep reading.


Ester said...

whehe thanks Charlie :) You dont have to feel obligated to read it tho, most is crap anyway lol.

Anonymous said...

Imagine a sheep being a human and how they would cope in our world of fast cars, big brains, big walletts, big cocks!

Ester said...

good one Rehan.... Poor sheep :S